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Bud Thaler - GREENBACKS query /2

My credentials for writing this book include:

  • An accounting degree, with a minor in creative writing.
  • A summer internship in a Federal Reserve Bank.
  • Three years as a bank auditor.
  • Articles for Independent Banker and CPA Journal.
  • Fiction reviews for my local newspaper, the Sawbuck Times-Dealer.
  • Attendance at the Bread Loaf Writers' Conference, where my manuscripts earned compliments from Salman Rushdie and Jackie Collins.

To see this 90,000-word manuscript, please check "YES!" below and return this letter in the enclosed reply envelope.



Bud Thaler

[ ] YES! I'd like to see GREENBACKS.
[ ] No, but thanks for asking.
[ ] Please query _______________________ at my firm and say that Elvira Buchs sent you.

Enc.: s.a.s.e.

[Back to page 1 of sample query letter]

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